Friday, July 9, 2010

The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott

The works of Sir Walter Scott spawned plays, operas and musical works which filled theaters around the world in the nineteenth century. The plays themselves were similar to the musicals of the 1950s with songs and sword play which could still appeal to the current audiences if only a playwright or screenwriter would be so inclined (Rob Roy was immortalized by Scott and the most recent film about this highland rogue had one of the best sword fights in the history of film). The Jacksonville Scottish Country Dancers will celebrate Scott's birthday in August with dancing, food, piping and a film based on The Talisman.

1 comment:

Annehueser said...

I'm not sure that swords and fights are what audiences are looking for these days. Just as 50's musicals are seen as old-fashioned by many, I think that movies full of swashbuckling would be viewed as old-fashioned by movie studios. Not enough irony and sarcasm and "reality".