Sunday, October 4, 2020

Peveril of the Peak

 This was a favorite of Queen Victoria's husband but I chose to read it at this time because of my current focus on 17th century Scotland.  Definitely one of Scott's more readable novels.  Just one more of the works that demonstrates the results of a lack of religious tolerance.  Is all this what Christianity is all about.  
Loved the scenes involving King Charles II.  Loved one more of Scott's happy endings.  Loved the strength of another one of Scott's female characters.
Once more I reflect on those who have blamed Scott for the Civil War in America because he promoted chivalry and the plantation owners in the South found this inspiring.  I find nothing objectionable in chivalry and if the South misused this principle, it is not the fault of Scott.  Otherwise Jesus Christ would be responsible for not only the 17th century British Civil War but also the Spanish Inquisition.

1 comment:

Annehueser said...

Yes, we can't blame everything done in the name of Christianity on Jesus. Nor can we blame Scott. This makes me want to read the book.