Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Pirate by Sir Walter Scott

 The Pirate is set in the latter part of the 17th century.  This time period has been the focus of a dozen books I have read in the past year in order to become better acquainted with the highly active political struggles.  This novel was a bit different because the volatile Catholic/Protestant conflicts were entirely absent.  I found it interesting that the residents of the northern islands had a more peaceful Catholic/Pagan coexistence.

Scott was only familiar with the Orkney and Shetland islands because of a tour he took several years earlier.  His main character was loosely based on a pirate he encountered in his studies of that particular trade in the northern islands.

I enjoyed this book and plan on a whisky tasting/murder mystery dinner with single malts from Orkney.  Let me know if you would like an invite.